Which countries do you think would be the top 5 by GDP in the 22 century?

We are getting used to be updated with many incidents what have been taking place around the world. The ups and down of Financial and Economical Sectors is not the offline topics today. World has usually been facing new experiments some of what shows us seeing hopes and others make us scared to look towards our future.

After the World War II many significant robust economic countries failed for being the lart of AXIS-Powers. However, some of them get back them as they were before starting the war. Still, It has been going around the world intermittently with the name different incidents. Trade War, Civil War, Refugee Cricis ect. Its can be a bit hard instead to forsee which countries get themselves top in the list of highest GDP growth.

The United States: Despite facing the great challenges at the domestic lavel along with a rapidly transforming global landscape, the US is still the largest economy in the world and will presumably exceed USD 23.3 trillion in 2019. The US economy represents 20% of total global output has left China.

The U.S. economy is projected to grow 2.5% in 2019 and 1.7% in 2020.

China: China has been a monsterious economic power over past 20 years. They have been raised their electronics products what have already profoundly been admired for sustainibilty and low cost. Before 1978, When Chinese govt adopted strong economic policies to reform their economic systems with the view to trade their electronics goods and other necessaries around the world, the world economy was centralized only to the Euroupe and the US. Things have been changing ; China is climbing upstaires over the time. Forcasters predicts, China could make their growth rate at 6.3% by 2019 as far it's nominal GDP be USD 24.6 trillion.

Japan: Japan is at the third position of the list. It's nominal GDP what predictors foresee to be is USD 5.7 trillion by 2020. Before 1990, Japan was equivalent to China at economic race. But now China has exceeded Japan by around 4 Trillion USD. That is not quite impressive for the languished economy of Japan. Forecasters predict Japan to have 1.1% growth of economy by 2020.

Germany: From 1999–2008, when the great recession of economy was about tp hieermany loses it’s market with a slight hit. Though the pace of it's economy is lacklaster and even it got hit a little when Britain pledged to left EU. Overally Ptedictors pedicts Germany to have USD 5.4 trillion and rates would be 1.9% by 2020.

UK: The UK will stay in the top 5 largest economies list until 2020, with a nominal GDP of USD 3.2 trillion. Our panelists estimate GDP growth of 1.4% in 2018 and 1.9% in 2020. However, it has just started to suffer the consequences for leaving the EU.

Therefore, it is expected to have these listed countries are to be leading positions with the free trade and finance and would probably exceed their past records by 2020 that could create better environment for world economy.

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