Book Review 3: IKIGAI- The Japanese Secret to a Long and Happy Life


In 1945, apart from other axis nations, It is said that Japan was hit devastatingly by the allied power like no other. Okinawa, the island in Japan conceived separately a collosal stroke during that time. As a result, like other exponents, the life expectancy of the went down and the boarder of many chronicle diseases broke down. Nontheless, these setbacks could't stop them eternally. The set about their journey with newly disciplines and activities which let them recovered the damages right away. 

Authors Hector Garcia and Francesc Miralles ran after the reasons what make them get back to their exemplary living style and found a surprising fact which is nothing but their own IKIGAI-the purpose for living. 

The Japanese word “Ikigai” have diverse meanings here. Some interpret, “the reason for being”, others say it,“ the reason for living.” But it has another meaning which I choose is “the reason for jump out of bed each morning”.The last one seems somewhat more encouraging to me on account of regarding the early rising as a tremendous habit. 

Here in, Authors tried to focus on the purposes of our living- additionally the reason for longevity in some coastal zones. They found several Blue zones- Okinawa(Japan), Loma Linda(California), Sardina(Italy)-as the harbor of world most living centenarians. 

The Authors raised the questions by their own and explained the answers with simplicity and clarification on the basis of their analysis- why the people of the noticable areas can taste comparatively a long life than any other place around the world.   

Stress less,work hard: 

Authors exemplify Japanese secret how they manage themselves while facing the toughest stuffs. In Japan, Authors found that people seems to be immersed in what they do- even a tiny stuff. Astonishingly, a long period of service, they seems active and willing not to retired from. One may raise question, “How is that possible?”, don't they get bored working a long period of time? Or feel untiring? 

The surprising fact is that the people in Okinawa don't think like the way we do about our work. They passionately do exactly what they love to do. So they find a flow state as they work on their passionate stuffs. This is why they don't feel bored and wish to retire from their profession. How anyone can be retired from the work they are passionate to do?

In that book, authors showed this secret with a Ven Digram and explained how they unite what they love to do with what they are good at, and what they are paid for with what the world needs. This is why they can mitigate the stress and work harder under a state of flow. 

Finding flow in everything you do:

In Okinawa, the most significant habit of the inhabitants was found is the “flow” when they work. Authors described how carefully they take their task and how smartly they accomplish them with the state of flow.

Authors emphasized on the importance of flow and discussed how to achieve the required flow by doing Meditation, yoga, walking, sweeming etc. Furthermore, They discussed, proved at the end as well how beautiful it is to enjoy what you do without looking for the results.

Wabi Sabi: 

It is unusual among us to find happiness in imperfection, imperfect and incomplete things. We seek perfection even in the tiniest thing we do though imperfect things outspread natural smell. The book will make you prioritize on the main body, main purpose of anything in lieu of outward beauty. 

Lessons from japanes's centenarians:

Interviewing a large number of centeranarians, the authors shares some of the common views, habits and activities which might help the readers to perceive why long lasting mens can taste of surviving more than hundred years. Authors found some basic facts behind the secret of their such living.  

Never do they:

 ◾drink alcohol.
◾eat meat.
◾full their stomach.
◾ wish to retire from work until the last breath. 

What they usually do:

◾Stay active.
◾live in the present, only on which they have full control.
◾they do anything slowly and make the best of it.
◾surround themselves with good friends.
◾unite the nature with tecnologies.
◾give thanks for what they have now. 

In all, the book is slighly diffrent from others because of its simplicity and pithy explanation. I am totally convinced that It might catch its readers' eyes and show the path of living style which would take them to the upmost state of happiness and give a meaningful life. 

So, No more delay. Just pick the book and start finding the reason for your living- your own IKIGAI. 

Happy searching your IKIGAI !! 

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