Does the Amazon rainforest really produce 20% of world's oxygen?

No, It's a misunderstanding statement, although it's been narrating by many high officials, celebrities, netizens in newspapers, media, internet as well.

Actually, Oxygen is produced by the photosynthesis process that refers, the amalgamation of Carbon dyoxide and Water causes Oxygen in the atmosphere.

6CO2 + 6H2O —> C6H12O6 + 6O2

Many could think of it as the cardinal source of Oxygen what we seekly need is produced by Amazon, but that is not the way alike our thought which corroborates 20% of Oxygen could really be originated in Amazon's epicentre. Many high classed ecologists used to say only 6% of Oxygen is caused in Amazon rainforest.

Acording to the equation drawn avobe could be illustrated like, although photosynthesis could be the process of producing Oxygen but that little amount wouldn’t be sufficient for the massive number of world population, even nearly all the Oxygens originated in, are consumed by the ecolocial chains(Insectes, Microbes) that cause the reduction of Oxygen in the atmosphere.

Then, what is the cardinal source that supplies the extra Oxygen?? It's Ocean.

If there were no longer Amazon on the earth, then only less then 1% of World’s Oxygen would be counsumed or we wouldn't have to face any shortage of Oxygen to survive. It’s surprisingly true that Oceans are enough to supply sufficient amount of Oxygen for million of years.

Although, Amazon rainforest doesn't produce 20% of World’s Oxygen, however we have to be enough concerned of that recent fire incidents in the Amazon rainforest. Because Tropical forests like Amazon harbor many species, plants found nowhere, besides, it can cause higher temperature in the atmosphere , intensification of CO2 emission.

So, In conclusion, we are able to perceive easily that Amazon is not producing that 20% of World’s Oxygen for why we can mention it as “lung of the world” but it's still a great source of 6% of Oxygen, home of 10% of species, benefactor of the environment in which we belong to.

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