Why did the US withdraw from the Iran Nuclear Deal?

After several rounds of negotiations between Iran and the P5+1 countries, the deal was signed on 24 November in Geneva to keep Iran from enriching its nuclear activities in exchange of freeing Iran from economic sanctions and to expand its international trades.
It is needed to say that the US didn't wanted to be pulled out from that agreement, because the US citizen voted to keep their country with the agreement except Donald Trump who has been threatening Iran even before his inauguration at the White House.
Many political experts find some pointless reasons what Trump made to pull the US out from that agreement. Since his inauguration, Mr Trump has taken aim at practically every one of his predecessors' signature achievements. Within a week of his inauguration he had pulled the US out of the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade negotiations. In June, he announced his intent to withdraw the US from the Paris Agreement on climate change mitigation.He also unwound Obama-era protections for some undocumented immigrants. And finally on May 8, 2018 Trump announced the US’s withdrawal from the nuclear agreement deal with Iran.
Doing it in favour of his one of the most admired persons Mr.Netanyahu by himself, Donald Trump eased the Israel to continue its expanding its territory toward Palestine by assailing the its people.
It is obvious that Trump didn't show that craziness against Iran as he has been doing it now. So what does make him walking toward that decisions to withdraw the US from that agreement and to impose harder economic sanctions on Iran?. It’s not hard to find the answer if we just look over the new faces in White House. Where Trump was reportedly counselled against abandoning the agreement by senior advisers in his administration, including Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, National Security Advisor HR McMaster and Secretary of Defence James Mattis.
Many foreign policy experts have reportedly mentioned the agreement somewhat more ‘absurd’ and showed apprehension whether that withdrawal make both of the countries towards military strike.

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