How badly has the Chinese economy been damaged by the ongoing US-China Trade War? Is it enough to force them into an agreement with the US?

It's been a highlighted issue since the US president Donald Trump and the Chinese president Xi jinping declared an economic war onto each other.
UN has reportedly aware the two economic giant to appease the rivalry and table the issue for better trade negotiation. The UN agency also noted that there is early evidence that Chinese exporters may have started to bear part of the costs of the tariffs by lowering export prices.
The hardest-hit Chinese manufacturing sector has been computers and other office machinery, and communications equipment, where exports from China have declined by $15 billion.
Other areas that have “dropped substantially” include chemicals, furniture, precision instruments and electrical machinery, the UNCTAD report shows.
It nonetheless underscored the resilience of Chinese firms, which maintained 75 per cent of their exports to the US, despite the “substantial” tariffs imposed.
Moreover, US has caused China to lose approximately $35 billion with all the sectors.
Chinese giant economy has seriously been suffering from that rivalry with the US and consequently, the GDP growth of china has touched only 6.2% what is used to remarking as the lowest growth rate in the last 27 years.
Yes, It is the high time to force the two nation to stop that war with trade because not only the two nations have been the sufferer of the consequences but the whole world. UN and other economic organization like IMF, WB has been trying to mitigate the problems occured between the US and China. The sooner it will be stopped, the earlier it will help to balance the world economy.

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