The organizers of the World Artificial Intelligence Conference in Shanghai got more than they bargained for when the CEO's of two tech giants Company decided for the first time to make constructive discussion on Artificial Intelligence and it's future.
Elon Musk with Jack Ma at AI conference in Shanghai
Elon Musk, CEO of Tesla , is renamed for various tech developments argued with Jack Ma in some of the controversial issue, is called one of the most renowned entrepreneur of China.
We find them opposite to each other in various issue on that conference. I can agree with some of the issue and disagree with also others for several reasons.
Musk: People underestimate the capability of AI. They sort of think like it’s a smart human. (But it’s going to be) much smarter than the smartest human you will ever know.
Ma: I never in my life say human beings will be controlled by machines, it’s impossible...Human beings can never create another thing that is smarter than human beings.
➡On that point I agree what Jack Ma Said about AI. Its obvious that your own made things can never exceed you by anything. Indeed, human being are not controlled by machine made by human. It somewhat can be considered as a fear.
Ma: I admire that you want to go on to Mars. I am more interested in Earth.
Musk: The thing about Mars is that I think it’s important for us to take the set of actions that are most likely to continue consciousness into the future...I think we should not take for granted that consciousness will continue because we have not encountered any aliens. Where are the aliens? This is the Fermi paradox. This is one of the most important questions. How come we’ve not found any aliens? There are people out there who think we have found aliens. Trust me, we have not. I would know...One of those actions is to become a multi-planet species or ensure that life is multi-planetary. There is a probability at a certain point that some either external force or some internal unforced error causes civilization to be destroyed or sufficiently impaired such that it can no longer extend it to another planet.
➡I agree on Elon Musk's assertion what makes the difference. The world is now densely populated than it was ever. Almost 7.4 billion people are compromising for their daily necessities. Musk's plan to send people to the Mars could increase the spaces of the world.
Ma: People worry about jobs, but I worry about education. The way we teach our kids are mainly designed for the industrial period..How can we make human beings smarter and wiser? I think we need to change the way of education...How can we teach our kids to be more creative and constructive? This is the key...Computers only have chips, men have hearts. It’s the heart where the wisdom comes from. For the next 10, 20 years, every human being, country, government should focus on reforming the education system, making sure our kids can find jobs, a job that only requires three days a week, four hours a day...If we don’t change the education system we are in, we will all be in trouble.
Musk: Close the loop on being less wrong about the future. I’d say that’s the right way to think about education. I mean down the road with a Neural ink , you can just upload any subject instantly. So it would be like the Matrix. You want to fly a helicopter? No problem...if you wanted to do whatever, any given skill, you would just upload it instantly. The way education works right now it’s extremely low bandwidth. It’s extremely slow. Lectures are the worst.
➡ Job and Education were one of the big concern on that discussions. Musk tried to depict the real picture of job sector in the world. He said why he would be feared in the imminent years. According to Musk, If Artificial Intelligence started to move faster, it might take the job sector and will surely escalate the unemployment. It's agreeable. But Jack Ma said totally antithetical and explained that AI would never seize the human job sector. But it's not like that. If A company get two candidates; one human, one Robot then who is preferable to be hired? Surely Robot. So here we find it obvious that it is presumable for AI to join the human race. Jack Ma preferred to change the current education system is going slowly. Musk agreed on that.
Albeit, there are a big number of issues to be agreed or disagreed, I suppose, however, the discussions will surely affect the AI sectors, future technological advancement as well which could make the world smarter, safer and more advance.